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Grok Learning was a 5 week international programming competition. Schools from different states in the U.S. and also Australia competed in Grok Learning.  The programming language used for Grok was Python. The goal of the competition was to complete a set of problems every week. Tutorials were given and then we were given a problem to proivde the code or solution.  

Learning Python through the Grok competition was fun and challenging. In the beginning, the codes were fairly simple but as a couple weeks passed the tasks became more difficult. There were a couple of times where I just wanted to give up becuase the coding was too hard but I sought out the help of my classmates. This competition really exemplified pair coding in our classroom; during the final week of the competition, a few students worked together to solve a problem. 


This 5 week competition taught me to pay attention to every detail while coding, being specific matters!

I had fun participating in Grok, it was thrilling to look at the leaderboard every once in a while. 

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